Monday, November 30, 2009

How an Athenian might view our present day Democrasy

I think an Athenian from the 5th century BC might view our democracy in many ways. He would probably disapprove of the amount of years the president serves. Whether or not he approves of the representative system is a choice that the person will have to make himself. I think he would disapprove of the variety of voters.

I think the common Athenian would disapprove of the amount of years an official is allowed to hold power in our modern day society. First off all back during the start of democracy the people that were elected were common people and a country was run on a relatively basic principle. The leader had to manage trade and war, there wasn't that much politics involved. He didn't have to know go to Harvard and learn all the laws because the laws (if they even existed) were pretty simple. Therefore giving a leader as much time as we give our current leaders would probably lead to him becoming corrupt and trying to maintain his power longer.

I think whether or not the common Athenian approved of the representative system was a matter of choice. Because if we're talking about a woman or someone not eligible to be elected then probably they would approve of the representative more, even if they weren't able to vote for him. Because a leader will be a lot nicer if he knows that he has to be elected than if he is forced to go to some meeting that he doesn't want to attend. I think if you're someone eligible to vote or be elected you would probably disapprove of the representative system. Because basically what's happening is that it's becoming harder for you to gain power. But if you're someone who doesn't care and goes to the meetings only because your forced then you'd probably enjoy a representative that goes and sits and talks for you.

I think a common Athenian man capable of voting and being elected would disapprove of the variety of voters. I think the fact that anyone over 18, that is a citizen of the country, would displease the Athenian voting population. Firstly and majorly because you have more people who want stuff and are able to get it. You can't please everyone and if more people need to be pleased, well, then it's likely that some of your pleasure will be removed. If slaves could vote, they'd vote for no more slavery, but that would bother the rich white man who uses them as cheap labor. Therefore the best way for the rich white man to retain power is by oppressing everybody else. Not letting people vote is a great way to oppress them.

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